
Hi peeps, and welcome to my blog post. I hope this blog finds you well (enough). I’m currently sitting here in my PJ’s, teeth unbrushed, hair unbrushed, face unwashed at 11:51 am on a Monday morning. With a headache. And a feeling of general malaise. Not wanting to actually do anything, yet wanting to. Feeling a little trapped inside myself if I’m honest.

I’ve been off sick for the past month or so with pneumonia and I’m still recovering physically, and according to the news this morning, it ap…

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I'm so glad for people.

Strange comment from me really, because sometimes it's really hard to want to be around others - I think if I was given a self-sustaining cave I would probably stay holed up forever!

I woke up this morning feeling really fragile. I had a major migraine yesterday, and today although there was no pain I still felt like my tongue was a bit thick and not all the words were back in my head.

I didn't feel like loud sounds or moving fast, however, I had a coffee date lined u…

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Mental health, anxiety and depression are on the rise and many people don't realise that it's a jigsaw puzzle putting the pieces back together.

Our bodies are complex mechanisms and the contributing factors to our mental health processes can be wide and varied. Each individual will need different treatments. 

One thing for sure is that the treatment that works the best is a holistic one. Our systems are complex engines and we need a fully serviced vehicle to be running smoothly. Contributing f…

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Today's Blog: (good) sleep is the cornerstone of mental health

In my experience, it's topics like this one that puts people to sleep! When I try and convince my teen daughter that she needs to get more sleep, I am annoying (at best). When I used to try and convince my (now) 24 year old daughter that she needed to stop getting home at 2.30 am in her HSC year, I was stupid.

You know what, I get it. We all know we need sleep - good sleep, and more of it. So many articles (please just go…

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Feeling compelled, and at the same time, repelled about the writing on which I am about to embark!

As weird as it feels for a decidedly private person, I’ve resigned myself to writing this latest little personal journey of mine and share it with the public. Not something that I feel completely safe doing, as for a very long time, I stopped sharing my emotional journeys widely with others.

When I was younger (and far, far more naive), I used to overshare all the time. It left me open for others…

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This article on 12 self-care tips is pretty awesome, so I just had to share. If you feel like it, go and read it (it's a good article), and then try to take 2 mins to think about which one (if not all) of these tips you think you might take on board. Here is MY take on THEIR  TOP 12...

(NOTE: For myself, stress can be a major contributor to the decline of my mental health, and I actually try and implement each one of the tips mentioned in the article):

1. Establish a morning self-care routine


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Forgiveness is a subject that’s bandied about a lot these days. There’s a lot of talk on the subject, and a lot of books and youtube videos, pods and posts on the subject.

There’s no doubt now that UNforgiveness can cause a lot of mental health issues (and ultimately also, many physical health issues), create barriers to living the life you want, and can also ultimately negatively affect our most precious relationships as well.

This blog post is not about the effects of unforgiveness, or why y…

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Well, unfortunately for some of us, Christmas is one of the most painful times of the year. It’s a reminder that loved ones are no longer with us, that life hasn’t gone the way we wanted, that we’re still single, that our family is not the one we wish we had, - OMG I could go on forever. There are so many reasons why Christmas can be an emotional sinkhole for some.

So, just as a gentle reminder to us all, I wanted to share a little post that I love about grief. This post was written by some ran…

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The mind-body connection is powerful. It's also largely under-utilised. If you don't practice mind-body techniques, you may be missing out on significant holistic healing. 

You know, a lot of people ask me about mind-body techniques. What are they, how do they work, etc.

So, in order to attempt to articulate it as briefly as possible, I’ll share my approach to mind-body techniques (and I’d also like to point out that in recent years, a lot of research has been carried out on the link between o…

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Intuition is an incredibly accurate tool. Don't be afraid to listen to it!

A lot of people come to me and talk about hindsight in our counselling sessions. You know, people who say things like "I just KNEW things weren't right, and I wish I’d listened" - that sort of thing. Turns out their intuition was speaking to them, and yet they felt silly, or embarrassed, or rude - whatever it was. Basically, they had a feeling that they ended up ignoring and something happened that resulted in them comin…

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